Friday, January 2, 2009

facebook fanatic!

Hi all!  Happy New Year and hope this next year is a prosperous and joyous one for everyone!

Ok, yes, it's true--I caved!  You guys can keep having fun at my expense for doing so, but so many have been pressuring me for so long!  I joined facebook 2 days ago and have been enjoying it ever since. Connecting with family and friends has been truly a lot of fun!  And, of course, I found many of you there and vice-versa!

Going back and forth with everyone from chat plus all of my other friends and family has been hysterical!  And I really am astonished as to how fast everyone finds you once you've signed up!  From ex-bfs in other countries to my cousin's college roommates, it's utterly amazing just how quickly one's friends' list grows and how far reaching this is!

I also agreed to co-administer a new group for us on facebook: Juju Play Members.  All are welcome to join!  We started it 2 days ago and  the numbers have been growing steadily.  Looking forward to connecting with the rest of you there as well!

As ever,

Jazz <3

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