Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Vexxed hates me...

Hey all - finally got around to setting up an account on our nifty little blog here. So now I can make a nuisance of myself here as well as the solitaire site... ;-)

Just wanted to say that y'all are a pretty cool bunch of folks. I've been playing games on Fat-Free since there was only Poker and Lexicon (was actually in the top 4 of Lexicon back when people were just starting to get to 1 million points - check out the attached screen cap). I've seen folks come and go, but the best of the bunch seems to have stuck around and makes it a nice place to hang out for a relaxing game of solitaire and a bit of quick conversation.

Anyway, keep your eyes peeled for my amazing sub-5000 point scores (and please refrain from embarrassing me further by saying Nice Deck... hehe...).



Edit: Just took another look at that screen cap and noticed that none other than tc himself was fast on my heels. Ah, those were the days... LOL...


Greeds Creed said...

well well well look who we got here it must be the ledgenary 23 oh boy well thanks for stopping by and talk to ya more in the game

Bruce, god my spelling truely sucks LOL

Anonymous said...

23 I haven't seen you in awhile!!

tcregan said...

There I was!! More to the point, why do you have a saved screenshot from 6 months ago? ;-)

23lbs said...

Hey blondey - sorry we haven't bumped into each other lately. I'll keep my eyes open for you...

TC - it's like looking through your old high-school yearbook. Sometimes I just like to revisit the glory days, you know? Sigh... Can't even break the top 100 anymore...

alice said...

Too funny 23 :) Oh, the 'glory days'! I came back from spring break to the new format. Boy was that a shock! LOL It hasn't been quite the same since :)