Here's how they start...
Wake up, still tired as all hell, stub your toe. The tiny one... The one you really don't need but god thinks it's funny to give you things in sets of fives.
Then, you get into some stupid argument with the one you love, over coffee pots or a dirty plate...
Off to work.
Your boss is an idiot and relies on you so much that she won't leave you alone to get your own work done, then wonders what's taking you so long?! Well, Brain Banana, it's hard for me to finish what I need to do if I'm always doing your work too...
Your best-friend calls, "Hey guess what?!" your hoping for good news..., "I just found a dead body in the apartment I'm cleaning down the street from your house" you simply reply..."Awesome."
Your love calls, " Sorry we fought earlier it was stupid" your starting to think hey this may turn out to be a good day after all, then he follows it up with, "What were you PMSing?"
Wow. What a moron. Apparently whenever a woman has a bad day that's the first thing that comes to a man's mind.
Not Stress. Not Stupidity of others. Not aniexty... Just PMS
So, I hung up...
Phone rang off the hook all day with more people with stupid problems...
Finally... Time to go home.
You hit 3 squirrels on the way home and almost kill a bird.
You get in the house, throw down your lap top bag, purse and keys and walk into the kitchen to only remember that Roast you took out last night, you never put in the crock pot to cook...
Order Pizza, it comes with mushrooms when you asked for plain...
Take a bath, but you forgot to do laundry, no clean towels...
Finally you end up laying face down and the floor and your soon to be 3 year old step daughter says, "step mommy, your the best step mommy ever... I love you" Your fiance says, " you are the best!"
Then you smile and remember... It was just one of those Brain Banana Kinda days...
The End...
Or is it?