Sunday, July 13, 2008

An Unseen Hazard

well my parents have been talking about it for weeks and never giving any true dates, so i write this thing saying sry to all my good ol' buddys for givng you all a fair notice to what in the world happended to me and where i had gone to so well see ya all later and see ya on thursday or tuesday



alice said...

Enjoy your vacation Bruce!! We'll miss you.
alice :~)

Jenn said...

Ok so the dates are for a vacay? Where ya going? Hope you have a great time and post some pics of your vacation! We'll miss you!

Greeds Creed said...

ummmmmmmmmmmmm maybe if i could figure how in the world to do it lol... if i can get them to work then they'll be on here in a jiffy lol or not lol whenever i get back on really lol
