Wednesday, June 18, 2008

G3 iPhone Confusion

Hi Everyone!

Sorry I haven't been chatting lately. Seems EVERY TIME I play Cookie Bonus, I get the freeze and have to restart. Not fun.

I have noticed while lurking, however, lots of disinformatiion about the new iPhone G3.

The G3 actually doesn't stand for 3rd generation, but rather the fact that the new iPhone will be able to use AT&T's G3 network.

In other words, as an option to Edge and Wi-Fi, the new iPhone will sometimes be on the G3 network (when available). The G3 network is supposedly MUCH faster than Edge (and what isn't?).

According to the ATT website, the G3 network is currently available in some major metropolitan areas. The closest to me would be Spokane, WA (300 miles away), so the G3 capability will not be a huge thing for me except when traveling ... and usually when traveling, I'm finding wi-fi networks anyway.

However, even on the Edge network, the iPhone 3G performed MUCH faster, downloading a graphic intensive page in 20-some seconds compared to 50+ seconds for the same page on Edge with the current iPhone.

So, that's the scoop.

If you haven't yet watched the iPhone G3 presentation get yourself over to and watch the whole thing. There are some cool new features and capabilities, as well as some fun new games and applications being developed to be sold in the new Application Store. I can't wait to get the music one.

Unfortunately, I didn't see "copy and paste" as an added feature yet. For $199, the new iPhone G3 is going to bring lots of new users to the iPhone, which is great for all of us, even those who don't buy it. The more users the more developers will continue to create new cool things for us all to use!

Hope everyone is having a great week and getting lots of Cookie Bonuses!!!



aka "ThatAdGirl"

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