Monday, June 23, 2008

get rid of PEEK cheat!

Yadira and i were talking at 3am this morning and we were talking about getting rid of the peek cheat and thinking about changing it to something else. my idea was adding a skip deck cheat (because i cant get past 4 decks :P) but nobody in the room at the time liked it. they all were talking about having an undo cheat. so maybe if we all leave enough feedback about BOTH of them we could have 5 total cheats. or we can just try to get a diff cheat instead of PEEK!! id like to hear what everybody thinks. good night!


Anonymous said...

Feedback Left Money!!

Katsosaucy said...

Peak Sucks, UNDO PLEASE!!!

I would have gotten past so many more decks if it wasn't for my fat little fingers making a mistake...



cheeseheadboy said...

KEEP THE PEEK!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday I found myself wandering through a Super Wal-Mart. Bored as hell, looking for some excitement, I decided to walk into the women's dressing room.

After several minutes of screaming from the woman trying on some very colorful swimming suits, a security guard came in and to my suprise, detained me until the police arrived.

The officer asked me if I had any explanation as to why I was in the women's dressing room and I said "Yes! I was using my Fat Free Games Cookie Bonus Solitaire PEEK Cheat." He said, "Well, why didn't you SAY so." and let me leave without even a warning.

SO....Please........KEEP THE PEEK!!!

Disclaimer - this story is false, it never happened.

Jazz said...

OMG! Cheese!!! You are killing me! LMAO!!!!! That may be the best use of the "Peek" cheat ever--real or imagined! Mas and TC will be so upset that they didn't think of it first! ;-D

MySharona said...

Hey $$
Love the undo idea!! I never use the peek, but may now, after Cheese's idea! What would we ladies like to "Peek" on?? I'm thinkin' Chippendales dressing room!!! lol

Anonymous said...

Cheese what a great story!! :oD

I vote for Undo replacing Peek - it is important to have something useful yet not TOO tempting to use - having one cheat left is HUGE for getting big scores on later decks! And if I could use my Undo anywhere like Cheese used his Peek one, that would be swell!!

This is me Eggy, who has forgotten her password!

debble said...

I love the "undo last move" idea, and maybe a random card in the deck or every few decks could have an "undo one cheat" bonus.

Cheese, that was hilarious...
Talk you all soon!

Cyberspastic said...

undo instead of peek. brilliant.